Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Is PTSD an Illusion?

Is PTSD an illusion? For some that do not understand PTSD, it may well be.

But in all honesty, if we are to try to erase the stigma of mental illness in America, PTSD in particular as it relates to combat veterans, we must address this. We cannot alienate the American public. We as veterans need to be honest and forthcoming with our own side effects of PTSD. We all know anyone can have PTSD, car crash survivors, rape victims; they may also suffer from PTSD.  I believe that if we talk about our side effects, we can bridge the gap. And hopefully erase the mental health stigma. And let all of America know, that it is okay to ask for help!

But think about this….

“When does an illusion become a lie?”

Perhaps you are thinking, “With an illusion I can be somebody. Escape from who I really was…”

Maybe you’re asking yourself, “For when did running away become so essential to me…”

Why are you running? What are you running from?

There are some things in life you never escape….

You cannot escape PTSD. There is no cure. But you CAN ask for help.

Here’s the problem. FEAR!

The majority of us that struggle with PTSD fear asking for help. We fear that by asking for help, we may seem weak. We may even fear that by asking for help, we lose our memories of something special. Or maybe, we might lose a memory of the worst time in our life. And honestly, from experience, I’ll tell you I don’t want to lose that.

But I do want to learn from it!

I do want help in dealing with it. I do want help in living with it every day.

So what do I do? I ask for help. From my friends, my family, and when needed a doctor.

You are NOT alone. So please, ask for help if you need it.

You’re never too big, too old, too experienced, to ask for help.

I’m here for you!

Make it a great day!!!

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